Performance Marketing Trends To Watch Out For

Performance marketing has become one of the preeminent tools for businesses—offering them a chance to build targeted campaigns that work on measurable results. Having rapidly evolved from the basics of PPC (Pay Per Click) in its early infancy, to the multi-faceted and varied nesting of options we have today, performance marketing is a sector on the rise. With that in mind, we’re going to take a look at some of the key performance marketing trends to watch out for right now.

The AI Revolution

If there’s one singular topic dominating the digital marketing landscape on the whole—and especially performance marketing—it’s the rapid evolution and widespread implementation of AI and machine learning technology. With machine learning, performance marketing campaigns have become increasingly able to rely on automation, and as the technology becomes more and more advanced, these automated systems will be able to take on greater responsibilities.

With the proliferation of this new technology—the role of the performance marketer will also change radically, requiring new visions, outlooks, and focuses. Firstly, they will need to be proficient in these new technologies, understanding not just the ways in which they work, but also the best ways in which they can be deployed. Secondly, with a broader range of tasks turned over to automation, marketers will be able to focus their energies on strategies, implementation, and content.

Multi-Platform Marketing

Performance marketing has long been dominated by the duopoly of Facebook and Google—however, smart and creative marketers will soon be looking to other platforms as an antidote to the rising cost and market saturation created by those platforms.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the fastest-growing channels—at a rate 3x that of other advertising—becoming one of the most effective performance marketing avenues, offering marketers a chance to promote their brand identity with a personal touch, market creatively, and recoup a significant ROI

Targeting And Knowing Your Audience

As marketers deepen their understanding of the customer journey—the ability to more precisely target key moments will greatly expand. Going forward, performance marketing won’t just look at speaking to the preferences of the individual, it will be able to zero in on saying the right thing, at the right time, as well as broadening the scope of their goals.

As audiences become more aware of how marketing influences and interacts with them—and the nature of the brand/consumers relationships evolves—consumers will expect brands to demonstrate an understanding of their needs, and to provide value in their marketing, beyond the value of the product itself. By understanding what type of content is expected at different touchpoints in the customer journey, and by understanding how to tailor that content to specific customer profiles, brands can use performance marketing to speak directly to the needs of their customers.

Investing in performance marketing is one of the most reliable and effective methods for ensuring you’re marketing the right way—tailored to your customers and without sacrificing on ROI. By moving away from the basics of CPC and CPM’s to a more nuanced and innovative performance marketing strategy—you’ll be setting your business up for long-term success. To find out more about how we can help you do just that, click here.